
The GRAFT – new to old
Grafting new onto old can be a positive or a negative experience. Unshrunk cloth onto an old garment can be bad, while grafting a new branch onto an old stem is generally good.

Mixed Use Settlement Theory
Meeting regularly, they inspired themselves with the latest in poetry, art, music, Stravinsky, Einstein and Picasso.

Baby boomers and later life living
The baby boomers are coming of age and thier influence is changing the landscape of senior housing in the UK.

Coming Home for Christmas
Coming Home for Christmas I knew it wouldn’t stand the wolf test The third of six posts featuring vikicartoons.

Valuing the Corner Shop
This is the second of six posts featuring vikicartoons Is the corner shop dead? It’s all Napoleon’s fault! Allegedly he called England a nation of

Reclaiming the Streets
This is the first in a six part series featuring the work of vikicartoons. Viki; Reclaiming the Streets; before and after. It was the best

Co-Housing: The missing ingredient
East End Community Land Trust came into being in 2009 of which I became a founding board member. As a result, I realised there were different models of housing still needing to be properly explored in the UK.

How Low Carbon is Swansea Bay?
How Low Carbon is Swansea Bay? This week I gave the keynote talk at a Low Carbon Swansea Bay (LCSB) event. So the question was,

NHS crisis – an Urban Design crisis?
NHS crisis – an Urban Design crisis? We have a big health issue in the UK. Does urban design and city planning have the answer? When

From WILD WEST to Buyer Beware
From WILD WEST to Buyer Beware The Wild West! “I take it you’ve never travelled this way before sir? “ The guard has just responded

CITY OF CULTURE 2021 where to go when your city doesn’t win?
CITY OF CULTURE 2021 where to go when your city doesn’t win? Coventry has just staged the first UK Shop Front Festival following its winning

Drawing Conclusions
Drawing Conclusions Drawings tell your story more vividly and instantaneously than any amount of text. From Palladio to Gordon Cullen, drawings have either been the