Noel Isherwood


Architects Masterplanners Urban Designers
Continuing Care Multigeneration Co-Housing


Planning your project: It is tempting to rush the early stages of a project by launching in the the design work. We place particular emphasis on the first steps which will save you time and money in the long run. To help you achieve your goals we have developed our 6 step process.
These early research and analysis stages including the later full design and construction stages are illustrated in the diagram below. These align closely with the RIBA plan of work.
Project Planning Pack: This free download will give you a overview of how this 6 part process works and how to get started. It will also give you helpful questions to ask of yourself and others to be involved; some cost guidance; design team composition and other helpful insights right at the outset. It introduces the Needs and Options Review.

1. Research

Client needs, case studies, strategy and develop brief

2. Analysis

Needs & Options Review proposals Select an architect

3. Design

Concept, Pre-Application Design Engage & direct consultants

4. Documents

Full-Planning application and construction documentation

5. Bid

Obtain tenders from contractors select preferred builder.

6. Build

Builder builds Architect advises


The Needs and Options Review will give you a solid foundation before starting on design stage work. This equally applies whether you require architecture, urban design or masterplanning. It begins with a diagnostic stage to research the existing constraints and analyse potential options. It will reduce the risk of having to change designs at a later stage which is the principal cause of escalating budgets and programs. The Needs and Options and Review page has a link to a video which will further explain the importance of this first step.
Select the Needs and Options Review level of service most appropriate for your project.

Discover more about our design process below:


RIBA Design Stages, Guide to each Stage
Masterplanning, Regeneration, Form based codes, Characterisation.


Building a Vision;

Book Your Free Consultation

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