Architects Masterplanners Urban Designers
Continuing Care Multigeneration Co – Housing
Continuing Care Multigeneration Co – Housing
“The most important scale is the people scale” Jan Gehl
According to the United Nations, by
2050, approaching 70% of the world
population will live in urban
settlements. Architectural projects are
increasingly set within urban contexts or
contribute to urban communities, whether
cities, towns or urban villages. For the
remaining 30%, situated in rural
communities, an increasing proportion have
urbanised lifestyles due to technological
advances that facilitate remote working.
Many developments pay lip service to
sustainable development while leaving out
essential ingredients for long term
sustainability. Mixed uses for example are
rarely delivered to the extent that they will
ensure long term economic viability. Nor is it
adequately understood how they contribute
to the development of walkable
neighbourhoods and healthier lifestyles.
Place-making services
At Noel Isherwood Architects, we
believe that building design and urban
design are one and the same discipline.
This is essential to achieving an
integrated sense of place. This is a
principle that runs through all the disciplines
connected with urban design and planning.
Our services include:
- Strategic Masterplanning: structuring of new settlements to support low carbon communities
- Masterplanning: Urban Extension design for city districts, towns and more rural locations.
- Public Realm Design Guidance: streets, squares, shared surface. Form based design codes.
- Characterisation Studies: including building typology
- Urban Regeneration: including arts and cultural engagement
Placemaking services (cont)
- High Street regeneration: including engagement with stakeholders such as local traders
- Enquiry by Design: a specific workshop-based tool for engaging communities and other stakeholders in the process of urban design.
- Scoping workshops: public consultation.
View our urbanism project portfolio,
or contact us at Noel Isherwood Architects to
discuss your urban project.
Booking a presentation of the 10 Steps to Sustainable Place Making , If you are joining as a group from your company, please let us know the numbers by email – office@noel-isherwood.com. A Zoom invitation will be sent to each person attending before the event.
Our MUST method
To raise awareness of one of the key missing
ingredients in housing development today, we
have developed our MUST method. This is
briefly outlined below.
- •M – Mixed
- •U– Use
- •S– Settlement
- •T– Theory
This has come out of writing the 10 Steps to
Sustainable Place Making and in is the
process of further research.
Our june 23 newsletter introduces this Subject. To receive our bi-monthly Newsletter please click here.
Please contact us by email to sign up for our Newsletter – office@noel-isherwood.com
TOD - Transit Oriented
I was privileged to make a research trip to
Strasbourg with a Graduate Fellow and
Rhodes Scholar who assisted me in
analysing the tram system and how it was
delivered across the city of Strasbourg. The
Strasbourg Report records this research.
The document has since been utilised in
early planning in key regions of urban
regeneration in the UK.
Urbanism: Cost of Services
Please contact us for an assessment of costs for
urban design and
masterplanning and related services. The process and fee structure is similar to
the RIBA Design stages described in ‘Architectural
Services’ and on the Services main page. For
further information contact us on
0789 1776251
or book a feasibility call.